Mona-Tech is a registered Limited Liability Company (LLC) duly incorporated on November 14, 2014 and opened for business on April 7, 2015. The company offers consultancy services in the design, operation, maintenance and management of combined heat and power (CHP) plants; repairs and preventative maintenance of air conditioning systems, and biomedical and industrial instruments. Mona-Tech also provides consultancies on energy conservation measures. Mona-Tech also offers printing under its suite of services. Mona-Tech is considered as the commercial arm of the Faculty of Engineering, UWI Mona, and is mandated to offer world class engineering services while facilitating practicum training for engineering students and graduates of the faculty.
The company is passionate about becoming one of the leading engineering service providers in the Caribbean, primarily as a result of its technical human resource and vast network across all UWI Campuses, and local and international academic and industry partners.
Mona-Tech’s Vision
To become a leading provider of operation and maintenance engineering services and energy solutions in the Caribbean.
Mona-Tech’s Mission
To deliver cost effective energy solutions and competitive operation and maintenance engineering services to our clients.
Mona-Tech’s Values
Satisfaction – We are dedicated to satisfying our clients’ needs through the delivery of quality services that are competitively priced.
Innovation – We provide our clients with innovative solutions to meet their needs.
People – We value our people and are committed to their development.
Safety – We foster a strong safety culture with emphasis on personal responsibility.
These core values serve as our guiding principles and drive our actions each day. They result in high employee engagement and commitment, and guide our long-term strategy.
Mona-Tech’s Motto
Creative Minds, Creating Solutions